March 21, 2009
My Shadow and I made a run to the Rosebud Battlefield
in Montana, near Kirby.
Ashly Elaine, my house-mate, loaned to me her little
Nikon L18 digital camera.
The photo at right is at the entrance to the park.
A view looking southeast from within the park.
The photo at right is of someone's little shrine. One guess is
as good as to another as to its significance. The dowel stick
which is lying horizontal on the ground was higher up on the
vertical stick forming a cross. Rawhide lacing held the cross
together and the dreamcatcher attached at the intersection of
the cross and a cigarette was placed on the ground at the base.
The vertical stick is approx twenty-six inches tall.
I first found this site in the fall of 2007. So
far, if anyone else has found it - they have left it be!
A close-up view of the beautiful little dreamcatcher.
It is approx four and one-half inches in diameter.
Someone put a lot of work into it!
It is my guess that someone's ashes are scattered nearby. The traditional indian dreamcatcher and the christian cross lead me to believe this little shrine is sacred to a departed member of the Norhtern Cheyenne.
A view towards the south.
The sandstone cliffs over which indians (before they had horses)
drove buffalo. The crippled and killed animals were butchered
for food and hides.
Looking north along the sandstone cliff.
More petroglyphs.
A view to the south along the cliff.
Another petroglyph.
View looking south from near the south end of the cliff.
An upside-down tree top!
My Shadow. 1983 Honda VT750C
It was a good day for a ride. Temps in mid 70's.
Not bad for March!