Finally got Frenchy to send to me some up-to-date pictures of her family.
This first picture is of Stacey in the living room of the home her family
shares with Richard. Her hair is naturally red as is that of her children.
This picture shows blond hair and it has been several colors over the last
few years.
Stacey is now 33 years of age. Her children are Kayla, 11 years old, and Cory now 16. I first met her when she turned 21. She became my dance partner, lunch partner, housemate and good friend. The man in her life was Ray, who was more than happy to baby sit Cory and later on, Kayla, so that Stacey and I could go out to dance and relieve Ray of that necessity. The family became my housemates when Ray was killed in an accident when Kayla was only a few months old.
At right is another picture of Stacey in her living room with some of
her many plants. She is a good cook, homemaker, housekeeper, decorator,
and mother. My house misses her much, as do I.
Cory in the dining room. His father lives in Las Vegas and he has
been spending some of his school years there. Cory hopes to be an
artist some day.
Cory turned 16 years old on Monday, June 11, 2007. Here is a picture
of his birthday cake before a party in his honor. It was an icecream
cake and delicious. I have forgotten the story of why there are no
candles on the cake . . .
Cory sitting on his new electric scooter which is a gift from his
family. The kids at the birthday party were disappointed when the
battery went dead from riding before all could take a turn on it.
Kayla (10 years old) in December of 2006 in her new clothes before
her school Christmas play.
Kayla, at left, singing in the choir during her school's Christmas
play. The girl on the right looks so much like Kayla that I thought
Stacey had played some tricks using PhotoShop! Kayla loves singing
and music, and animals. She hopes to be a veterinarian some day.
Bud and Kayla at her 11th birthday party on Tuesday April 17, 2007.
Kayla is petite for her age, but an enormous treasure - a breath of
fresh air!
Richard and Stacey.
Finally, someone I trust to look after this little family.
It has been an honor to have helped raise Stacey's kids
(and her too, in the earlier years) and have been able
to share a home with them.